Women,s day is a whitewash over the reality of our lives. We are less safe, more sexualised, more objectified than ever. Porn has destroyed women’s rights, women,s empowerment and overshadowed all our achievements since the suffragettes. If hardcore porn online had been around in their time we would never had got the right to vote. Porn dehumanised women so much in one part of Asia that the number of rapes in that country shot up. All the young males in Cambodia become predators and all young women became prey. It put me in mind of Mary Whitehouse, who campaigned against porn before the web. Mary was ahead of her time, but her warning fell on deaf ears just as the prophecy of Cassandra did. Cassandra foretold disasters which were ignored, whereas Mary was ridiculed as a prude. Mary was right all along. Mary had the last laugh. There will never be another Mary, And all women living in the post feminist era of the sixties have been transported back to the dark ages. The genie has escaped and he is a sexist arse.

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