There is a new BBC comedy based on the real life Matthew Hopkins. I implore you not to watch it. Do your research into the real witch-hunts and you will find millions of widows were killed for being women and single. They were not popular because they were poor, unemployed and charity dependent, but they were mostly unwanted women. They were unwanted as they were dependent financially on hostile neighbours. Imagine you have to take alms from those who resent you and your dependeny on them. In the comedy there is a young witch outsmarting the witchfinder. she is supposed my tougher than the males around her. Since Hopkins victims were all elderly and lonely this was unlikely. It is a case of what should have happened back then rather then the reality of woman bashing down by husbands and by Hopkins. We are talking about a time when it was legal to batter a wife with a rod as thick as husband’s thumb. It is a whitewash of the witch-hunts which were terrifying for the whole of England – but for the vulnerable in particular. Don’t watch the series because there is nothing comic about grannie murders.

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