I am tolerated in my society like A boil on the backside which you can’t reach to burst. I am tolerated providing I know my place, just as a spider knows to hid away under a chair, bed or a crack in wood. You aren’t pleased it’s around but you don’t mind as long as it is out of sight. In other words you tolerate it. I am that spider who is permitted to exist in private because I am supposedly rude and I am a plain woman. A double whammy! How dare I live! I should have been drown at birth. I am a blight on a Society which let me down! Yes, I am being ironic. I have kept my head down to the extent that it has spent years buried in sand. Why? Just to appease a society which tolerates but never accepts? I no longer hanker for acceptance From the uncaring. I understand that minority groups will go without recognisation of our full humanity. I live in society not as a full member of it, but as a tolerated one. I don’t care because I still have my small voice which I will use to raise awareness to the plight of the marginalised and disempowered in a world which holds us in contempt. I am lucky I have the opportunity to speak out which I do out of duty to my fellow misfits. I reclaim the word as a compliment not an insult. Misfits are survivors.

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