Like attracts like, which leads to bad karma. I will tell you about my narcissist neighbour, who used all her boyfriends for money. The woman was bad tempered, attention seeking and callous. When a boyfriend lost his job she dumped him. She soon moved on to another guy with a job, who was as vile tempered as her. Well, after years of fighting, he found a younger version of her. When I say younger version I mean identical to his ex but much younger. He put a photo of his new girl on face book. He even takes his new girl to the same pub that his ex goes to. This pub is not his local pub. It is as if he wants to upset his ex. I have no sympathy for her,she has no one, which is her karma. The female narcissist got dumped by a narcissist more cruel than her. Her life is joyless and empty, But that is the price she must pay for her obnoxious belittling of all those around her. A cautionary tale.

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