The narcissist is brimming with spite, which is passive aggressive. My neighbor had to be reported after threatening behaviour towards me. She had also bullied a pensioner neighbor, who was a widow. Instead of apologizing for unacceptable rages, she decided to wage a hate campaign against me, which included banging on doors at midnight. When she saw me on the street she would smirk a false smile, which I would give back to her. I called her a bully, and left leaflets on bullying on her car windscreen. She was devastated by the label as though she did not consider her actions wrong. She thought she was entitled to be vindictive. I tell you this because I rightly cut her out of my life. She was dysfunction to the point that she Had no awareness of the animosity she was causing. She was the victim in her eyes, which made her entitled to revenge. If she had caused me pain I deserved it for rejecting her. My revenge was to expose her, which was satisfying.

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