Smugness takes many forms: I am privileged so I can judge the homeless, the underclass, the ones living in rented accommodation, I am intellectually superior especially over the less abled. There are chubby folk who laugh at the obese. Of course, I have been judged by The abled in a factory where one had to move fast. The factor y is Now shut which pleases me. I loathe the smugness of the superior, the deluded, the judgemental, the ignorant. Yes, I am slow owing to dyspraxia, which affected my hand to eye coordination. I had to learn modesty while others learned to be smug at my expense. They learned to give out that smirk and snotty high pitched cackle. Don’t be smug reader since you tempt fate to swipe you off your Perch. The smug bully who taunted me in school now has a disabled son. She was raised privelaged and now lives in a council house. I call it karma. If she had been kind to me I would feel sympathy but I have no solidarity with her.

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