Silence to a narc is punishing, but to their victim it is self protection. What has it protected us from? Petty criticism of behaviour, appearance and speech. For example, can he criticize for shouting when he is name calling? Name calling which is sexist towards us and racist towards ethnic groups. Spiteful lies about deceased members of the family. Flirting with my mother’s mates in front of her. Tantrums when he can’t get hi s own way. Passive aggressive acts such as door slamming. Food which he buys after one of his outbursts. It was not touched. This was not to make us feel better, or himself. It was done as a sort of bribe. Then there was making us food so he could call us lazy, even we have to put out rubbish, clean out the shed and clean up outside. Manipulation or guiltgiving such as the time he blamed me for a relative’s illness. In a nutshell he has no uses. I almost forgot, there is also the chronic swearing, which is habitual and casual.

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