Sexists hate introverted women. All women should be chatting away to males, flirting and stroking their egos. They find confident women attractive. Alas, I don’t chat, I don’t flirt, I don’t compliment them. They find shy women a turn off. Why? I have pondered on it for years and I think I have the answer. Folk think of shyness as a weakness, a malady,a sign of some trauma. Well, actually, they are wrong. Quiet folk have their boundaries, their defences like human forts. Yes, forts are unapproachable, they need to be because they are guarding innocence within their walls from the savages on the outside. I was recently called aloof by a so called psychic. I am not aloof I am impenetrable to those who would tear down by defences like my insulting stepdad. I am proud of it. I am not trying to be tough, I am being self protective If I give away my privacy in my book i do so to help victims of sexist abuse. Think about it, when my mother was taking all his calls before he left his wife she was leaving her guard down. If only she had put the phone down all those years ago. Aloof yes, but she would have saved herself from a narcissist. So,if I am hostile you know why.

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