Amanda platell is a fine writer, But in the daily mail Saturday she claimed no women of our generation has been called a ‘slut’. I will tell you a story about my student days. I was walking through the first class train carriage when a business man spilled his drink on me. He tried to apologize but I walked on being tired and irate. As i walked away he yelled behind me ‘fat slag’. Well, I was 8 stone and a size 8. What was that about? Did he thinking adding fat to the slag’ jibe was a double whammy. Think about it, the fat insult is more hurtful than a slag’ one. Thankfully, I was thin and ignored it. So, no harm done. This was years before social media. That man would today be trolling strange women. At least back then you were insulted to your face. The sexist remarks have not gone out of usage, and women have not been empowered. Sexism has found a new home online. Women are more victimised than ever before. I am lucky I was born decades before sex texting, revenge porn and online stalking. If I had grown up in the digital era I would be a fearful women unable to ditch a boyfriend knowing there would be a backlash. ‘fat slag’ taunts would be the least of it.

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