I have had my share of obsessive interests. The first being a school project on insects. My love of ladybirds triggered my interest, which soon extended to include butterflies and stick insects . I was never deluded about them since caterpillars ate all our cabbages in our garden . I knew they were farmers’ pests, but they had superpowers! Think of the caterpillar who transforms into the butterfly. Think of the stick insects blending into its forest back round. I have seen one close up and their bodies are the shape of a twig. How clever. I tell you this because they made me appreciate nature. They taught me a life lesson that all creatures have their place in the food chain even the smallest such as ladybirds who eat gnats. I have learned from my fads as my mother calls them. I learn from the most pointless obsession . If you are a parent of a child with autism do not demean their interests. Yes, they will grow out of their obsession but they will learn from it, like I did. I became a veggie, I don’t use sprays nor chemicals from a lab. I don’t eat foods filled with additives, and I feel better for it. I have all my own teeth even though I use baking soda to clean my teeth. My teeth are white . I am not lecturing you, but pointing out that a childhood interest which was a positive factor in my adult life.

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