I have been criticized for not having kids. I can’t look after myself, so why would I get pregnant. My decision is rational. Autism runs in my family. It is genetic And I don’t want a disabled child. I don’t want a child who will be bullied, isolated, misunderstand and villified. My decision is responsible and we’ll considered. I have been made to feel guilty fory lack of maternal instinct by pathetic males. Why? I am not selfish. I am rational, thoughtful and generous. I choose not to bring a victim into a hostile world. I do not regret my consideration. I am glad I have no instinct. I am proudly logical. Any instinct lacks logic and the sexist notion that women are ruled by instinct over logic is sexism at its worse. Next time you get a maternal urge Analyse it. Are you feeling pressure from broody friends? Are you getting perceived as selfish? Logic is not coldness. Logic is what separates us from animals. I leave you with one question. Would anyone ask a twenty something male when he is having kids?

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