There is no empathy for the disabled. My ms college mate was abused by a strange woman in the pub. The woman thought the disabled should be locked up out of sight. She was ignorant, but she reflected a wider social ignorance which permeates the whole of society. It is well known that the physically disabled e.g wheelchair users get ignored and abused. What about the mentally disabled? The autistic? We fare no better. I have been mainly ridiculed with the exception of my neighbour who makes her contempt more obvious through name calling. I didn’t care about the names because I thought laughing at the Disabled was more shameful. If you tell them to grow up they laugh more. If you call them childish cows more laughter. You can’t get through to them that their behaviour is offensive. What is infuriating about their ignorance is that I am supposed to be the slow coach, I am the one supposedly lacking empathy. I am sad to say that it is still acceptable to abuse us disabled because sheer ignorance permits it. It is socially unacceptable to abuse the all minority groups except the most vulnerable, the mentally challenged.

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