There is zero empathy for neurodivergents. I speak from bitter experience. The following is some of the abuse I have tolerated in my short life, ‘weirdo, crazy, psycho, loser, lunatic, evil scum, snob, dopey, Stupid,’ It occurred to me when my nasty neighbour moved in that it is acceptable to abuse the mentally disabled. Of course, there are other factors involved e.g our isolation, our tendency towards mental illness, our nervous tics, and our volatile temperaments. Then there is the accusation levelled against us that we are lacking empathy. This is simply ignorant. I have learned empathy, which is not the same as emotional empathy. I have cognitive empathy. For this you need imagination which I use to full effect. I don’t feel for neurotypicals but I understand their point of view is different to mine. I even understand why they dislike my kind. If I was normal I would judge too. I judge my stepdad for being unable to see the point of view of those around him. He has no empathy for the suffering he causes us. A lot don’t like my stepdad and rightly so. He has chosen to be unfeeling so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for his vileness. The price he is paying is a break down in his marriage.

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