I desire to warn you about the pitfalls of empathy when dealing with a narcissist. I am from a family of feelers, which should be a virtue. Sadly, in my case it was never a virtue. My stepdad played the victim in order to leave behind his wife and kids. Where was his empathy for them? If he suffers in his old age who will feel for a creep who abandoned his biological kids do he could verbally and physically abuse another child? The sad fact is that we brought all this on ourselves simply by taking him in out of pity. My mother now hates him and so do I, but not as much as we hate ourselves for an act of kindness which had cost us our mental health. We are out of empathy for a creature who played on it. The cost of taking in a narcissist was losing the very qualities which he used against us. And as for him well he is stuck with two wounded women who don’t care. The truth is we are out of empathy. It has been drained out of us by a sympathy vampire. If vampires exist they drain you of feeling not just energy. Their destruction is on a physical level and spiritual level.

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