My stepdad ate red meat at least twice a day. Breakfast was fried bacon, and tea was fried pork. Sunday was a beef roast. When we went out for food it was fried gammon. If we had a salad he had it with cooked ham. If we had stew there was chunks of meat floating in it. If he made a pie it was corn beef pie. If he bought a pasty if was steak pasty Narcissists like so much meat because they like it with masculinity, rather toxic masculinity. Miners like my grandad were masculine but my grandad preferred fish to meat, and it was white fish. You know what? He was never overweight not even after he retired and sat in a chair all day long. I am a vegetarian and feel healthy for it. I was forced to eat meat. Before that I loved fish fingers. I loved all fish, and would still be eating salmon if I hadn’t made the decision to rebel against stepdad by sticking strictly to veg and cheese. I don’t miss meat and finding it revolting because I associate it with stupid stepdad who used to pour gravy over my Yorkshire puddings. Yes, he was thick and toxic.

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