Don’t get your hopes up yet readers! There was a story online about narcs getting their karma, well, As you know from previous blogs my mother is leaving Bryan since he spoilt our Christmas with his usual vitriol. Actually, his Christmas was also spoilt since we refused his Christmas dinner and only spoke to his this year to tell him that he had ruined our lives and would hasten our demise (l was suicidal and mother physically sick.) None of which moved him as he tried to get back at us in this month. None of what we said caused shame or guilt. If anything he was silently seething in his corner with eyes wild with unexpressed rage. All the above convinced me that nothing would get through to him regarding his vileness. To be retaliating he must perceive himself as a victim of our vendetta. There is no vendetta, we blank him for peace until mother moves out. Back to the matter of karma. Yes, We got payback at Christmas, but Our victory didn’t last, and certainly didn’t mellow him. The only real karma is going to be leaving him. Adiós Mr morose.

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