Narcs don’t grow emotionally as they are cognitively stunted by by a lack of empathy/ sympathy. Now, you will recall when I told you of my suicidal intentions over Christmas. What I left out was that I told him I had contemplated suicide. I did so to get through to him that his behaviour was unacceptable. You are thinking that it was a ploy to manipulate him to feel guilt. If it was well it failed on a account of a total lack of remorse. He seemed to take it accept the truth without argument nor mockery. There was finally that Eureka moment when I had got through to him the gravity of his bullying, it’s noxious impact on family. Then after a few months of peace the bully had returned. The hate and simmering rage. We were back to square 1. He had been on good behaviour to get round us so mother didn’t leave him. Morale of tale: he will never change. If I had killed myself he would have been relieved to see the back of me. He is inhumane in his utter selfishness. Morale 2, naively I expected a change. Hah!

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