My stepdad is a sorry excuse for a human. He is pathologically envious for no reason. We all feel envy of a better job, car, home, even of a person with a better body. It is an irrational emotion which in particular divides women. A twit I once knew was envious of thin people. She was gluttous and fat, so why envy those with self control? She was so weighed down with envy it made her bitter. She was no sister even though her life was one of privelage. She was in a position to help out poorer folk instead she stole from those less well of. She reminds me of my stepdad, who also leads a comfortable life, yet thinks that others have better. Well in a way he is right, others have loving relationship s based on loyalty and trust, which he is envious of . He has none of the above qualities, but thinks he is entitled to the love of those whose loyalty and trust he has abused. Worse of all he envies what he does not deserve . Well, nature hates a vacuum, so if you are lacking positive traits the gaping hole will be filled by negative resentment. That is all narcs feel. My stepdad if full of unnecessary animosity because he has nothing else to offer us emotionally.

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