Every narcissist I have met thought they had a right to ridicule the disabled. The disabled in wheelchairs are treated either with pity or dismissively ignored. But what about the mentally disabled? They are treated with ridicule and outright contempt, such as name-calling e.g. weirdo see me to be a favourite insult. Why? I am clean,polite and carING. I deserve respect until I commit a crime. What I don’t deserve is thuggish thickies thinking I am an easy target because I am a woman living alone. A disabled man is poked fun of, but a disabled woman gets a double whammy of my Mickey taking and scorn. Is it because autistic women are single and childless? It is o.k for a disabled man to be a loner, but a loner female is an aberration and a selfish one at that. I am unmaternal because autism is in the family, and there is no way I would bring a disabled child into such an ignorant world, where the less abled are regularly targeted by bigots. I know the punishment we get for our eccentricity, our assumed stupidity, and our assumed aloofness. If you are a standoffish woman you are a deviant to rival a witch. I will get my broomstick out. Seriously,I don’t want pity, derision nor hostility. I only ask for equality in a society where too many prejudge.

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