Narcissism and sexism Narcissism is more prevalent in men for one simple reason – it is condoned in men, even accepted. You think about it, men can sleep Around without judgement. Men can leave their kids without judgement. Men can swear without judgement. Men can fight without judgement. Men can bully wives without judgement. Can, can, can. What would happen if women did any of the above? We would be slags, bitches, and scarlet women. If we raged too much centuries ago we were witches, and dead. There was even a scold,s bridle devised too damage a woman’s tongue. Yes, we are more liberated, unless you are a woman with too much ego, too selfish, too highly sexed. Our egos are strictly limited by our families, friends, even outsiders. No Matter what our social status in life we still have to mind our manners.

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