How do you punish sexists? There are different levels of mysoginist attitudes. I write as a disabled woman. Boys in class hated me for being slow more than for being a girl I thought at that time. However, on reflection it was a mix of both ableism and sexism. It was a double whammy. I was not just s girl I was an useless girl. Then there is worse than the sneering males, there are the exploiters who tried to turn me into a slave in a low paid job. Even worse are the sexual predators who tried to get me drunk at bars. I hate them all, but the sexual predators deserve special hate. They target the most vulnerable Safe in the knowledge that the disabled woman can’t read their motives behind their kindly masks. So I have identified three levels of sexist intent ranging from blantant bigotry aimed at degrading The stupid women to destroying her with sex abuse. So,how can you treat all sexists equally? The truth is sexism takes all different forms, and is intertwined with racism, ableism and snobbery. I hate to sound downbeat but if a Male was calling me a ‘stupid bitch’ I would not be able to dissect his sexism from his ableism. I would guess that He saw all women as stupid. But then what if called me ‘weirdo? That is clear cut bigotry. You get me gist. Discrimination is some times a grey area and sometimes clear cut. It is a mental minefield as well as a legal one

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