You will recall me blogging about a neighbour called Karen, who has bullied me and my neighbours (all of them disabled). I refer to her in the context of karma. Neighbours took the side of the innocent and there was a silent mutiny. Well, since my last blog I have found out that her victims downstairs are planning on moving. The victims include a pensioner and her granddaughter. They have been there all most of their lives and would have stayed if Karen had not moved in. When they leave it will be a family replacing them as they are two bedroom flats. Karen will be too gutless to abuse a couple, and their kids will be as noisy as her. Karen,s reign of terror is nearly over. I hope the couple have a wailing baby. Karen has had no joy in her flat. I was willing to be her friend up until the day she spat on me. I would have felt for her and tried to help her. After her disrespect I barely spoke to her. If she fell in front of me I would step over her. You reap what you sow, Karen, animosity. Karen is also alone with her enemies.

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