My stepdad spoilt our Christmas. My mam told him she was leaving him. She stopped talking to him, and refused him mountains of mush He calls food. When I say food you have to visualise a mixture of mash, carrots and swede all Merged into an inedible pile topped by fried onions. He didn’t get the message and continued with his fried offerings, which were ignored in favour of healthier toast. He tried all ways to get around her, which is a sign that he is not accepting the inevitable break up. Before you argue that he is doing it all out if guilt he’s not. He offers mother a lift which she declined, so he stormed if snarling “it’s over, it’s finished!” He said it as a threat because he doesn’t want his downtrodden supply leaving him. We are waiting for the hissy fit when the penny drops that he is not going to get round her this time. If you never take responsibility for your actions then you are not going to feel guilt. The matter of responsibility is important as owning up to cruelty is what I want more than seeing him punished. Alas, it is never to be. Bryan has never apologized, or even explained his behaviour. It is easier to blame us, which he does through gaslight ING,”you imagined I was eyeing up that woman all night because you are evil!” Is a person like that going to feel guilty? No! I don’t think so either.

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