Introversion Autism runs in my family on my mother’s side, which I have traced back to my great grannie. All of us are introverted, but not all us share the same brain structure. My great aunt, for example, was blessed with an analytical brain, which was mathematical and multi lingustic. Put simply she was extremely left brained, introverted and obsessed with her faith. Put kindly she was devout to a fault. However, her sister was creative, imaginative and non analytical, she was extremely right brained. She saw the world from her own viewpoint, which was childlike and innocent. Despite disparities in their brain structure both were reserved and retiring. They were instinctively shy to protect themselves from misunderstandings. They were not antisocial bit wary of judmental folk. If we autistic s act aloof it is selfprotection. I was forced to withdraw from peers as I feared their judgement. I feared I was a fool or some inferior human lacking human traits such as certain emotions. I am angry I had to make this withdrawal because I had neither diagnosis nor support from school, NHS and family. I am angry that I had to endure derision and scorn from bigots. How can I defend myself against it when I myself know that my behaviour is standoffish? Introversion is not a solution, but at a time of no treatment I chose the wrong option.

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