My uncle stopped talking to his parents, siblings and me. My grandad was devastated, but I was released from a spoilt brat. I had always suspected his envy of me as a niece ten years younger. Wyn had been the youngest zibling of four before my arrival. We were never close as I witnessed his brattish behaviour towards his mother. As an adult he failed to mature and whenever he visited my mother I tolerated his presence for her sake. Then he made the mistake of sulking with grandad after grandad berated for a misdemeanor for the first time in his life. Wyn cut off his parents and my mother, who he blamed for the fued. I didn’t miss him and secretly believe d he had done me a favour. I no longer had to pretend to like him. He had stolen my books to give them to a girlfriend. The moral of the tale is thus: when a narcissist ditches you be thankful because the only way you get rid of one is when they cut you of. My life is grand without a parasite who steals from his own family. Don’t tell me to forgive him because he is family. Wyn had no uses, and worse he had a real mean streak. Wyn had a cliche saying ‘every cloud has a silver lining.’ ah! How right he is.

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