The good, there is good and bad in everyone. They are outdated clichés which the naive to chose to cling onto. They are dangerous Myths that deep down everyone can Be redeemed by some buried goodness. Just dig deep enough and you will find their soul. I will draw on my experience of a narc. Is destructive effect on me was so bad that I nearly killed myself. My unbearable suffering did not penetrate his thick head. It did not impact on his limited psyche. There was no emotion such as basic concern. It has spurred on mother to leave him, which resulted in his fervent belief in his own victimisation. He is victim of selfish choices which led to his isolation from his first family and his present Family. We are victims of naive attitudes Concern ING human behaviour. We were fools and we paid for it by inviting a narc into our home. A narc who went on to humiliate, mentally destroy and self victimise. I no longer look for the good. I don’t look for gold under the rainbow.

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