Don’t be fat, don’t be thin, don’t be spotty, don’t be pale, don’t be hairy, don’t be sweaty, don’t be grim, don’t be shy, don’t be aloof, don’t be sharp, don’t swear, don’t don’t be single, don’t be childless, don’t be rude, don’t complain. Don’t laugh loud, don’t show off. Don’t sleep around. Don’t be a loner. Don’t get drunk, don’t be selfish. Don’t be lazy. Don’t be scruffy. Don’t argue with men. Don’t fight. Don’t be a deviant like me. Our lives are all based on do nots more than permits. Our behaviour is limited by unspoken social rules such as ladies not eating, drinking and running in public. Ladies smoking in public is common. I am as common as muck because what is the alternative? Covert pigging out? Do it in secret so not to offend men. Your personality becomes split into the shameful male persona and the acceptable feminine face presented to a world full of restrictions. Women are not permitted excesses.

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