Cognitive dissonance was coined by a psychopath to label their mind games against neurotypicals. Their favourite is creating confusion in our minds with their Jekyll and Hyde personas. You never know where you stand with them. You might dismiss them as moody, but the mood swings are a deliberate act. Take my stepdad, for example, he has always made our dinners since leaving his wife for my mother. I hated his piles of choatic vegetables all mixed together in a shambolic mess. The nastier he got with age the more I resented eating food which I had stopped associating with kindness. It was confusing me that he was making food for those whose lives he had ruined. I threw it all away and finally told him not to bother. He had an outburst but I felt relief that the pretence was over. My mam has recently stopped eating his food after he ruined our Christmas. Last Christmas no one eat his dinner. It was a protest and it was a message not to try to get round us. As I looked at the stuffing bowl I saw his weapon of choice. He is too thick to charm with words so a chicken will do the trick. How I longed to slap his fat Face with it.

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