My book is written from the perspective of a person with autism i.e from the perspective of an outsider. An outsider who does not think like a neurotypical. A neurotypical uses their left analytical brain hemisphere more than the right creative imaginative hemisphere. I regard myself as a visual thinker, who used images to bring to life difficult to express emotions. The facts are still accurate but the accompanying emotions are described using symbols. I was not being poetic, but trying to get the reader into the mind of an autistic . It is a paradox as even though I love imagery I only read factual books. I only watch documentaries And i dislike gossips. Yet when I was writing the facts of my life I incorporated visions which sprung into my mind. I aimed to display a mind which has clear memories of places which contain my own symbols. For example,I remember a certain street full of gossips as a street with a gossip machine churning out a steady stream of rumours. This metaphor sums up my feelings of that street more adequate than going into descriptive words or adjective. If the reader gets one thing from The book it will be the non typical brain functioning of an autistic.

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