You are not going to get a great life based solely on looks, or even personality. The truth is you need brains enough to outwit all the sharks out there. My mother had looks when she met her first husband but it was not enough to keep him faithful. She had enough empathy to take in her second husband after he was supposed kicked by his wife, but Her kindness was repaid by his exploitation of her labour. What she lacked was the common sense to leave both of them. To see through their manipulations, their plottings and their ulterior motives. Forget looks girls out there until you are wise to all predators, exploiters and sexists. They have evolved with the changing times just as weeds adapt to a more hostile climate, and we must catch up with them or be outwitted. Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of Mary shelley, once demanded that women be strong. Sadly, this is no longer enough. Women have to wise up the wolves out there in all their guises. Whether you are feminist or not not you are living in the most dangerous time for all women. You are in danger at all levels, and only knowledge is going to save you.

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