I was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome in my adulthood which helped me come to terms with all my social limits, my social anxiety, my depression I am relieved to finally have a label for all my inner turmoil, but I am angry at the same time. I am angry at the total lack of support from teachers, from medics fr therapists. I am angry at all the bullying I had to endure as a result of misunderstandings e.g that I was stupid, snobby, annoying etc. That anger will always be there because there is a feeling of betrayal . I was allowed to fall through the cracks . I was left to rot on the scrapheap of life by everyone. It was my rage which drove me to write. It was my revenge on a society which rejected me for being different. I was never going to fit in. Folk assume that you choose not to fit in, like that boy who called me a loner. Yes, I am a loner as I have been let down all my life or simply Abandoned. I am wary of every body as I have learned to be from bitter experience. I share my experience with others to help someone.

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