Autism and mental illness Society has forced many disabled into self-imposed isolation because of misunderstandings, ridicule and downright contempt. There is the notion that we are thick. Well, true we can’t read body language, nor dubious motives. So what? There are social skills we all lack. There are folk who argue when they are misinformed. I try to see both sides just to be civil. The point I make is that due to misconceptions autistics feel the need to withdraw like crabs into a protective shell even if it means depression. Why? I am an easy-going sort who tries to stay cool. Yet I am the one who lives as a recluse and risks a life of no support. The burden of no support makes me more bitter than facing a hostile world, which thinks the likes of me should be locked away. I am one of the lucky ones not to be locked up in Britain. They are locked up as they are not supported or treated. The autistics I know don’t get any support after school. One has ended up on drugs and I ended up drinking. I don’t know the solution. I only know it is not getting better.

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