The hermit, recluse, crab, loner, Intravert, antisocial, aloof, supercilious, enigmatic. Yes, I am all of them. I am not s people person. I am silent, withdrawn, detached, remote. I am distant for my own protection. I am protecting my own inner world. My fantasy world is colourful, and needs protection against the curious, against the jeering, against the ignorant. It is a castle build on sand, which makes it fragile. The cruel sea of reality is waiting to batter it down with one wave. The real world is never inviting to the likes of me. The real world hates the meek, the socially awkward, the Mal adjusted. I resist its cruel truth – that I am a social misfit. Traditional ly, the isolated were the witch is the woods, the rejected widow shunned by neighbours. The witch was killed for being vulnerable. She was the crab washed up on the beach, but without the haven of a shell. She was defenceless.

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