This story is true and is backed up by panorama. The documentary covered antisocial neighbours who ruin lives. A woman next door to me, Karen, lived in the flat upstairs to a pensioner and her disabled grand daughter. Karen first attacked me for being autistic. When I reported her to the police she took to waking me up in the night by banging on my door. At the same time she woke up her neighbours by banging on the floorboards as punishment for their snoring. When she called me a ‘lunatic’ and ‘maniac’ I told her to ‘drop dead’ and meant it. But karma was on its way. A family have moved in next door door to the pensioner and her grand daughter had got friendly with their son. Recently I have noticed their car parked next to Karen,s. She can’t tell them to move because they are a large family and, crucially, they must know what she has done to an eighty year old. Karen is finally getting her karma after fifteen years of tyranny. Karen is surrounded by enemies. Sadly, if the woman did drop dead the whole street would rejoice. It sounds sick but her anti social behaviour was low level terrorism, against the weakest targets in society.

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