There is a link between the narcissistic personality and the autistic victim. The narcissistic personality is a compulsive liar. In other words they habitually lie either to cause trouble or to brag about non existent achieve ments.
The autism trait of truthfulness means alas that we are too trusting, or gullible of others.
Our perceived naivety therefore makes us an ideal target for a pathological liar. Put yourself in the narcs shoes, if you had a rapt audience hanging on to your every bragging word you would be in narc heaven .
Yes, the narc gets caught out in the end but by that time the damage has been done. You have lost friends because of them, you have had a boss turn against you, possibly everybody in work has turned against you. For what? All because you let your guard done.
It is vital that autistic folk keep up their defences . Of course, we all have to be cautious of wolves in sheep clothing, but this is more true for the autistic, who is more vulnerable to narcissistic abuse. We are more open to it simply because we are more open folk. We are honest to a fault, which is our downfall. We are simply too nice in a world full of
My advice to autistic folk is don’t trust anyone. I have had friends deceive me just because they could .

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