I hate women’s Day as it gives the illusion of women’s empowerment.
In the nineties I worked in a car factory, which employed mainly women, who were well paid.
They used to hold beauty contests
For the workers. Some of these women believed that their looks were good enough for them to become models. In fact, they were too short and plain.
I didn’t enter the contests knowi g I was short and spotty. It was just as well as nobody left there to become models. I left to enter uni as a mature student.
Looking back i am glad as the contest s stoked up bitter rivalries amongst winner s and losers.
It a word the contests were divisive. If you did win you got a small prize and a dallop load of envy and resentment.
It was not worth the aggro you got in a stressful job. The moral of the tale is women need to learn solidary because pride comes before a fall. The fall in this case being the Icy hostility of deluded workmates.
The second moral being that those contests were not about empowerment. They were feeding of
The women’s desire for a better life. They were cynical ploys to exploit their career aspirations.

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